I’m betting on stupidity.

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This is has been my line of thinking as well. The R's have the cruelty to execute their plans, but maybe not the competence. The most vulnerable in our society will be hurt--I don't doubt that--but it's my hope that the R's will be thwarted by decisions made with soundbites in mind, in-fighting for Trump's favor, and the overwhelm that comes from being put in a job you are not qualified for.

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Ooo love this insight! Here’s hoping they fumble the whole game.

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At least Matt will unlikely to target you again - I hope. Still looking forward to his prosecution - his co-criminal earned a substantial amount of involuntary in one of less desirable government housing facilities.

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Longtime Texas Democrat here, thank you for this insight. Gives me some more hope. Never ever did I think I’d say thank you to Mitt Romney and John Cornyn, but I appreciate them trying.

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What?! - Playing golf with your rich white nationalist friends isn’t going to cut it?

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Let’s hope that some critical governmental programs can hold strong enough long enough for a majority of Trump supporters realize they messed up and stop voting for these people.

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