Good for you!!! Getting healthy is worth it...you have lots of work and happiness ahead of you.

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You go girl! Your honesty is beautiful and you are beautiful. Medication for my mental health has saved my life, and honesty - my own and others, has given me two legs to stand on. Your honesty will help so many people - more than you will ever know. Thank you for your courage. I am so so sorry for what you have had to endure, and I am so happy that you are finding your way through it. You are beautiful, you are strong and you are making a difference in our world. Thank you. I'm out here cheering you on!

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Wow young lady. I sure am cheering you on. It pains me that people had to make remarks about you and your speech. I'm 71, very much overweight, but I have never gone through what you have. I guess my growing up was in not listening to people about me as a teacher. It took me 40 years to figure that out, plus medication for stress and anxiety. My prayers are going up for you and good luck in all you do. 'Berta

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Fantastic! So happy for you, and proud of you for speaking out.

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Grrrl-I just subscribed. I am probably 30 years older than you, but we’ve had a lot of the same issues. The difference is you are much more brave. Good for you and your voice. You give me hope for future generations. Stay true to yourself, it is one of the hardest things to do. I remember what Matt Gaetz said, I donated $200 to planned projects parenthood in your name. Look where he is now pushing ivermectin on OAN. You have the voice I wish I had. I appreciate you, and look forward to hearing what you have to say. You are amazing.

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Being healthy and happy is so hard sometimes- but that is my wish for you - not a certain weight or size. To us you are beautiful and appreciated being happy 🩷

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Thank you, Olivia, for sharing such a brutal personal truth. My daughter is taking it as well. I'm from a generation where one did not discuss these things. When I started taking antidepressants, my mother thought I was weak. It was the same with diet aids. Your honesty will help so many people you'll never know. I'm proud of you! Don't ever give up. You have a light that will do so much for this world. We need you.

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Congrats on your fantastic journey and on rising despite all those who want you to fail (because they are failing themselves!) Please read Dr. Casey Means' book "Good Energy" about the root cause of unwellness in America...and the simple solution

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Oh my I am glad to hear you are ok. Having struggled with weight since my teens and suspected PCOS (but they didn't have such a thing then it was just a "highly irregular" cycle), I was diagnosed with diabetes 7 years ago. I struggled to control my food and my sugar and change my habits but my weight continued to yo yo through the first 5 years. Eventually my doctor and I stumbled onto a working medication "cocktail" that includes Ozempic. I was wary and skeptical but I've lost 80 lbs since I started and many symptoms of other conditions have also improved (such as arthritis, sleep apnea, and fibromyalgia)... Anyway sorry for oversharing. I am a huge fan and I am really glad to have found you here!

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Your honesty is refreshing. Your bravery is inspiring. I am on Wegovy, and I am not ashamed. I have Congestive Heart Failure in addition to obesity and a host of other medical issues. You are right: this is no different than any other tool we might use. Keep up the great work. You have a lot of people who are cheering for you!

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Thank you so much for sharing your experience. The info you provided on how ozempic has helped you was really useful.

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